3.5 million tonnes

of former foodstuffs are processed into animal feed annually in the countries where EFFPA holds active membership in Europe

5 million tonnes

of former foodstuffs are estimated to be processed into animal feed in Europe

7 million tonnes

EFFPA estimates the EU former foodstuff processing industry could expand up to this amount by 2025, taking future innovations and EU drive to reduce food waste into account.

100 former foodstuff processors

varying from very small scale to medium-size companies are active in the EU, according to EFFPA estimations.


EFFPA is actively involved in the debate on food waste to present the solution animal feed can provide. It is a member of the EU Platform on Food Waste & Losses, which held its first meeting on 29 November 2016. EFFPA has contributed to EU-funded research platforms such as FUSIONS and REFRESH.

EFFPA is associate member to FEFAC, the European Feed Manufacturers Association, which shares the EFFPA vision as regards the safe use of processed former foodstuffs, contributing to food waste prevention. Since June 2014 EFFPA holds membership to the EU Feed Chain Task Force which holds the task of updating the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials. Since August 2017, EFFPA holds Observer Status to the DG SANTE Advisory Group Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health.